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Meet M2P’s Code Expert

Meet M2P’s Code Expert

A product developer and coder at heart, Naren Viswanath is our AVP- Product Development. A die-hard fan of Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad, Naren is a quintessential character who loves playing chess and video games. What happens in your typical day at M2P? I start...
Upward Spiral In Remittance – 2020

Upward Spiral In Remittance – 2020

How Covid-19 Pandemic shaped the Remittance sector in the year 2020? When the ongoing Pandemic hit in 2020, the World Bank and other agencies predicted a substantial fall in the global remittance. This fall would have done sufficient damages to the domestic finances...
Beginner’s Guide to Embedded Lending

Beginner’s Guide to Embedded Lending

The size of the Fintech market via Embedded Finance — embedded insurance, embedded lending, and embedded payments is going to be 400 lakh crores in the next 10 years.”- The Economic Times Lending has existed since civilization started. Mankind has borrowed for various...