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Aadhaar Authentication Articles

50 Fintech Buzzwords Explained

The Fintech industry is constantly evolving with innovations and technologies coming up often. Though many concepts are built on fundamental fintech ideas, the terms and jargon related to fintech are rapidly diversifying.  Whether you are new to fintech or someone who...

Unlock the Future of Banking with Next-Gen Core Banking Solutions

Banks are undergoing a significant transformation, with radical digitization leading the way.  Experiential omnichannel banking is taking over transactional counterparts. Competition is intensifying, and margins are shrinking. Banks are under tremendous pressure to...

Streamline Customer Identification with AUA/KUA

Identity fraud is on the rise globally. To avert the dangers of this risk, businesses across industries need to be vigilant and conduct thorough identity verification, with no scope for errors or misrepresentation. If the identities of people involved viz., employees,...

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