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Flutter Articles

Power up Flutter with SDK Integration using Method Channel

Flutter combines the best features from native and hybrid application development approaches.  Instead of developing separate apps for platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux, Flutter allows developers to build once and deploy across multiple platforms. ...

Validate Aadhaar numbers using the Verhoeff Algorithm in Flutter

Aadhaar data needs to be treated securely. According to the RBI and Government of India mandate, organizations that collect and store identity details must mask the first 8 digits of the Aadhaar number and reveal only the last 4 for security and compliance. Whether...

Unmask Face Liveness Detection by Integrating Google ML Kit into your Flutter App

Video KYC is a game changer in digital onboarding. Since 2020, video-based identity verification has been effective in preventing fraud, reducing onboarding costs, and speeding up the authentication process.   A robust face liveness detection is a key part of the VKYC...

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