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Regulatory Compliance Articles

How to Choose the Right Core Banking Solution Provider

Core Banking Solution (CBS) promises a transformative leap for banks. It ensures banking functions are fully digital and compliant with modern banking standards. Challenges in CBS Implementation While modern core banking marked the dawn of a new era in banking...

Why Switch to a New Age Credit Card System?

The credit card industry in India is booming. Currently, there are 8.5 crore* credit cards in circulation, a substantial jump from 7.5 crore just a year ago.  But only 5%** of the population has a formal credit card.  This is a huge opportunity for credit card...

Unmask Face Liveness Detection by Integrating Google ML Kit into your Flutter App

Video KYC is a game changer in digital onboarding. Since 2020, video-based identity verification has been effective in preventing fraud, reducing onboarding costs, and speeding up the authentication process.   A robust face liveness detection is a key part of the VKYC...

Streamline Customer Identification with AUA/KUA

Identity fraud is on the rise globally. To avert the dangers of this risk, businesses across industries need to be vigilant and conduct thorough identity verification, with no scope for errors or misrepresentation. If the identities of people involved viz., employees,...

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