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VKYC Articles

50 Fintech Buzzwords Explained

The Fintech industry is constantly evolving with innovations and technologies coming up often. Though many concepts are built on fundamental fintech ideas, the terms and jargon related to fintech are rapidly diversifying.  Whether you are new to fintech or someone who...

How has Facial Recognition revolutionized Identity Verification and Authentication?

Facial recognition technology today goes beyond just unlocking your smartphone. 7 out of 10 governments worldwide use the technology on a large scale for surveillance, security, and pandemic control.  Businesses are deploying facial recognition technology for VKYC,...

Unmask Face Liveness Detection by Integrating Google ML Kit into your Flutter App

Video KYC is a game changer in digital onboarding. Since 2020, video-based identity verification has been effective in preventing fraud, reducing onboarding costs, and speeding up the authentication process.   A robust face liveness detection is a key part of the VKYC...

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