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Android Articles

How to Generate PDFs from HTML in iOS using Swift UIKit

In the world of iOS app development, the ability to dynamically generate PDF documents from HTML content is a game changer. Imagine the possibilities of effortlessly transforming dynamic data in the form of interactive reports, professional invoices, or document...

How to Secure an Android App with AES

We live in a world of super apps, where data protection must be prioritized above everything. Safeguarding mobile app information from unauthorized access is imperative to prevent cyber-attacks.  AES and ECDH  To address security challenges, advanced encryption and...

Power up Flutter with SDK Integration using Method Channel

Flutter combines the best features from native and hybrid application development approaches.  Instead of developing separate apps for platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux, Flutter allows developers to build once and deploy across multiple platforms. ...

How to Create Stunning UIs for Android with Jetpack Compose

Great experience design is vital to drive customer loyalty and revenue. User Interfaces are crucial components that enable enhanced customer experience. Building an Android User Interface (UI) is not an easy task. XML layouts can be verbose and difficult to maintain....

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