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How to block Android App installation in a Rooted Device

The $158.9 billion fintech industry thrives on mobile apps. Android dominates the mobile app market with a whopping 71.65% market share. Though in demand globally, its open-source nature makes data security a vulnerability in Android apps. Even super apps are no...

Meet Aditya Narasimhan, our Product Delivery Champ

2022 is drawing to a close. And this year's last star of the month series is here! So, buckle up folks! Pave the way for Aditya Narasimhan, our VP of Product and Client Delivery. A table tennis coach, superjock, and fintech product delivery champion, Aditya is an...

Meet Srikrishna Thota, our Industrious M2Peer

The Star of the Month series is back! This November, we shine the spotlight on Srikrishna Thota, our business development champion. A shuttler and a movie buff, Srikrishna is a go-getter with a penchant for identifying strategic opportunities, nurturing relationships,...

Get to Know Akshatha, our Engineering Whiz

It’s Star of the Month time again. The time we take to recognize outstanding people at M2P. This October, we shine the spotlight on the charming and illustrious Akshatha, our Engineering Lead. Akshatha is an eternal optimist who enjoys pushing limits and resolving...