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7 Core Banking Modules Every Banker Needs to Know

The significance of modern Core Banking Systems (CBS) cannot be overstated. Financial Institutions (FI) are substantially investing in upgrading their historical CBS in order to make banking services more accessible, flexible, customizable, and scalable. ...

Offline Digital Payments: Boosting Financial Inclusion in India

Clocking a record high of 9.96 billion transactions in July 2023, UPI has redefined the way people and businesses transact in India. But this digital payments gamechanger relies on an internet connection to function, as transactions require seamless and uninterrupted...

Building a Robust Fraud and Risk Management (FRM) System

Over 95,000 UPI fraud cases were reported in 2022-23. More than 42% of Indians experienced financial crimes. 95% of Indian firms experienced new types of cyber frauds. Cyber frauds are surging every day.  You may have experienced it, or you would have come across a...

Simplify Debit Card Management with M2P’s Revolutionary Platform

The pandemic changed the world as we know it, and banking was no exception. Customers began preferring mobile-first, secure, personalized, and digital payment methods over direct ones to transact, and banks had to adapt to survive. Traditional banks had to find...