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Meet M2P’s Personal Firewall

May 11, 2021

Say hello to our employee of the month, Narasimman. He manages M2P tech infrastructure end-to-end and is responsible for banks, networks and InfoSec functioning smoothly and safely.

Hi Narasimman! Tell us something about yourself?

Hi! I’m a very jovial person but I know many people think I am short-tempered! However, the only thing I get very passionate about is work. I love what I do and I’m in a very happy place. I used to be a cricketer and volleyball player in my younger days.

What drew you to M2P?

I was involved with M2P before as a service provider and did Hardware security mechanism (HSM) implementation at M2P’s Data center. So, I had a very good working relationship with them prior to joining. My expertise in HSM was noted by Prabhu, our cofounder and he offered me a position. Also, I felt that I can better contribute here and grow as a seasoned professional.

Prabhu was very encouraging and gave me many opportunities like implementing Mastercard and Visa hardware implementation single-handedly. I also learnt many new things about infrastructure and Information Security along with Data Center Management. His trust in me was crucial to my decision to join the M2P family.

What is your professional motto?

To love what I do. Everything I do, I make sure I have fun with it. Be it sport, farming or my job in networking and security, I don’t see them as tasks or chores but as enjoyable activities.

What are some of your memorable experiences here at M2P?

Bank audit and PCI-DSS audit helped me learn the ropes of the industry. I familiarized myself with the rules and regulations over a period of six months. Along the way, I also got into a lot of friendly disagreements with the audit and bank staff which we laugh about today when recounting those experiences. I have also spent a lot of nights at the office as I was responsible for the primary infrastructure set-up and it was learning experience.

How has COVID changed your working style at M2P?

Yes! For the last one year, I have been working from my native village. As I had no internet signal at home, I created a workspace in my field, complete with a tent and a lamp. It was inconvenient when it rained or when the sun was blazing. Thankfully, I set it right this year.

What are your thoughts on the future of M2P?

I am very excited. We are going global and hope to touch 27 countries. Infrastructure must be set up in a big way and I look forward to it. The future will have plenty of adventures. I trust our founders in helping us get through all of them.

What do you think about M2P’s culture?

I enjoy the flexibility in terms of timing, dress code etc. No one micromanages anybody and there is a lot of respect and responsibility involved. I enjoy that.

What will you love to build/develop if you have unlimited resources and time?

I have not really thought about it. My mind doesn’t even go there to be honest. I am really passionate about my field at the moment. Also, I am kept busy firefighting various issues at work, so I haven’t really thought about it.

What are your hobbies?

I like reading. Especially about my fields of infrastructure, networking and security. If I encounter a problem at work that I don’t understand, I will go home and patiently read about it and increase my knowledge. Otherwise, I won’t be able to sleep! Apart from this, I enjoy farming, and playing volleyball.

What is your favorite quote?

Whenever I feel down or dejected, I always look up to CUP

  • C- Concentrate
  • U- Understanding
  • P- Practice

Success doesn’t teach you much but failures do….

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