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Meet M2P’s Tech Support Hero

Mar 31, 2022

The star of the month series is back again this March, featuring VASANTHA KUMAR JAYACHANDRAN- our tech support hero. A cinephile and a techie, Vasanth is our system analyst who does incredible firefighting in the tech support team.

As we spoke to him about what makes him the star he is, he took us along his amazing five-year-old journey, from being a rookie to becoming a fine fintech enthusiast at M2P.

Curious to share a glimpse into what motivates him to give his best? Then, keep scrolling. You may even get lucky to find his secret mantra to success.

Here you go.

How do you usually start your workday?

First of all, thank you, guys. Really grateful for the honor.

I believe that daily habits set the tone for success or otherwise. So, I ensure my morning routine preps me for the exciting and challenging tasks ahead in the day. Then I kickstart my work mode by creating a to-do list and checking for critical alerts and messages from our internal teams and partners.

My goal is to acknowledge client issues and smoothen out the process of issue identification and resolution. The next step would be to ensure that our team sorts out the issues in the shortest TAT possible and makes the client stress-free.

Being customer-centric and time conscious are the mantras that keep me thriving throughout the day.

What are your main responsibilities in tech support as a system analyst?

Ensuring that our clients face zero issues in their journey with us is our ultimate responsibility. And in the event of any technical glitches, I help them resolve the issues without any hassle. To achieve complete efficiency in tech support, we have an unspoken golden rule which goes like this.

“Stick to the process of any live issue being reported and then resolve it as soon as possible.”

In our team, we have a practice. We ensure that all our observations, experiences, and outcomes of issue analysis are shared with our peers. Since everyone in the team is aware of all possible issues and the resolution breakthroughs, it helps us identify patterns and expedite issue resolution. I’m really proud of this collaborative knowledge-sharing initiative in our team.

How have you grown through the years as an M2Peer?

When I became an M2Peer, I was a payment industry rookie with just two years of experience. I had minimal understanding of payments and reconciliation.

But my life as an M2Peer for the past five years has been an enormous learning curve. It has transformed my understanding of transaction life cycle, payments and made me love all things fintech.

Is there a quote/saying that motivates you?

Yes, I believe that,

“Whatever mess we create, we can and must always be the ones cleaning it up.”

What’s that one thing your colleagues don’t know about you?

Being almost five years as an M2Peer, I’m an open book. My colleagues know everything about me.

What inspires you the most about M2P?

The one thing that inspires me the most about M2P is the work culture and how people help each other learn new things here. Having started as someone with little experience, I have been able to gain knowledge on various aspects such as payments and more. M2P is the best place for all beginners to learn and shape their careers.

What’s your idea of a perfect day?

To be honest, finding a perfect day in tech support is tough.

Delivering end-to-end tech support is a never-ending process. But there is lots of sunshine when we close out issues on time and receive a client appreciation for our toil.

What was your career path before joining M2P, and how has it changed?

When I graduated in 2015, I was unsure about my career. But growing with M2Peers in the past five years made me learn and appreciate fintech. I have changed my perspective from zero to being the one who likes to learn and explore fintech!

What are your hobbies/ interests?

Most of my hobbies include spending time with my family and doing fun chores. I also like to spend quality time with my nephews. However, my ‘me time’ is spent by watching movies and learning something new.

Anything else you want to share about M2P?

If you want to experience amazing people-centric work culture, kickass intellect, and collaborative knowledge sharing, M2P is the place.

Hands down the best!

So, adieu folks. Hope you enjoyed our interview with Vasanth Kumar.

See you again in our next Star of the Month feature.

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