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Meet Rajashree — M2P’s first Better Half Talent

Jun 15, 2022

Better Half means SO MUCH to me. In my previous role in hiring, I always wondered why it was difficult to resume one’s career after a break. After all, knowledge and experience doesn’t diminish right?

M2P’s Better Half Program not only asks this very question but also backs it up. When I came across the Better Half program, I hovered over the link for a while with so many questions flashing through my mind. Isn’t 11 years too much of a break? Will I find the right role? Will I have to compromise?

It was a while since I had a CV done so I just filled in the online form and hit ‘Submit’ After a few days, I was sidetracked with moving home from one state to another when I got a call from M2P!

What struck me straight off the bat was that this did not feel like an interview. It was more like a friendly discussion that set my mind at ease. One thing led to another and I progressed to further discussions with the larger team. Before I could realize it, I was an M2Peer, with a configured laptop and mails rolling in (Just like how it was)

Today, as I head to the office with my laptop bag slung over my shoulder (and a packed lunch of course!) I feel at home after more than a decade. I understand my responsibilities, and where I fit in. It feels like I’m picking up where I left off — Not an easy thing to do in today’s world. I’m grateful to my team members and the People Success team for playing a massive role in this. I’m eager to learn and grow. Every day.

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