Every online transaction involves four key parties: Merchant Customer Issuing bank (the customer's bank) &...
BANKING Articles
50 Fintech Buzzwords Explained
The Fintech industry is constantly evolving with innovations and technologies coming up often. Though many concepts...
7 Core Banking Modules Every Banker Needs to Know
The significance of modern Core Banking Systems (CBS) cannot be overstated. Financial Institutions (FI) are...
How to Choose the Right Core Banking Solution Provider
Core Banking Solution (CBS) promises a transformative leap for banks. It ensures banking functions are fully digital...
Core Banking Essentials: Types, Components & Advantages
Modern core banking solutions are every banker’s secret sauce. Irrespective of whether the banks are traditional or...
Elevate your Banking Operations with our Integrated Debit Card Management System
Debit cards are pivotal to a bank’s digital payment mix. With minimal credit and regulatory risks involved, they are...
Unlock the Future of Banking with Next-Gen Core Banking Solutions
Banks are undergoing a significant transformation, with radical digitization leading the way. Experiential...
How to block Android App installation in a Rooted Device
The $158.9 billion fintech industry thrives on mobile apps. Android dominates the mobile app market with a whopping...
5 Reasons why Banks need Behavioral Biometrics
Over 9,103 bank fraud cases worth 604 billion rupees were reported across India in 2022. Now, this is not a good...
Streamline Customer Identification with AUA/KUA
Identity fraud is on the rise globally. To avert the dangers of this risk, businesses across industries need to be...
Mask Aadhaar in an Instant, the Right Way
Does your organization collect or store Aadhaar numbers? Then you are at high risk. With identity thefts, data...
Recon360 – Redefining Payment Reconciliation
Businesses record revenues and expenses every day. Ever wondered why it is important to accurately document these...