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M2P FINTECH Articles

7 Core Banking Modules Every Banker Needs to Know

The significance of modern Core Banking Systems (CBS) cannot be overstated. Financial Institutions (FI) are substantially investing in upgrading their historical CBS in order to make banking services more accessible, flexible, customizable, and scalable. ...

Why Co-branded Credit Cards are the Next Frontier for Banks

The co-branded credit card market is witnessing a meteoric rise. Valued at $12.34 billion last year, the market is projected to skyrocket at 9.61% to reach $25.72 billion by 2030. The surge is driven by the potential of co-branded credit cards to deliver innovative...

How to Choose the Right Core Banking Solution Provider

Core Banking Solution (CBS) promises a transformative leap for banks. It ensures banking functions are fully digital and compliant with modern banking standards. Challenges in CBS Implementation While modern core banking marked the dawn of a new era in banking...

Strategies for Efficient Component Communication in Microservices Architecture

Efficient communication between components is crucial for the overall performance and responsiveness of a system in a microservices architecture. But how can you achieve optimal communication between the components? Dive into this blog as Maathavan Vinayak, our...